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SCI creates & implements issue based campaigns designed to influence decision makers in the local, state & national arenas.  SCI is a federally registered lobbyist who advocates within the national arena.  Complimenting the federal focus, SCI builds momentum through strategic grassroots and community coalition campaigns.   SCI supports legislative, regulatory and community goals inside the local and state infrastructures. 

Strategic grassroots campaigns that run in  parallel with tactical digital advocacy is SCI’s specialty.  

Strategic & Tactical Focus Areas:

  • Lobbyist & Strategist

  • Assess Local & State Arenas

  • Develop Grassroots Action Plan

  • Craft campagins to support school choice objectives

  • Train Parents and/or Community Activists

  • Direct Activism Infrastructures (or for DIY)

  • Pop Up Rallies & Community Involement




Sampling of Presentation / Speaking Topics:

  • Building a Red Coalition in a Blue State

  • How to Create a Parent Army

  • Slow & Low:  How to Build a Stealth Coalition 

  • Start-Up Community Organizing 





"Maureen is excellent at pushing back on problematic bills that don’t help enough states or kids,
as introduced by a #EdTaxCredit50 Coalition Partner.

© 2016 by Strategic Coalitions & Initiatives

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